The Statute of the Italian Society of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (SIMET)
Art. 1
A nonprofit association named “Italian Society of Tropical Medicine and Global Health” (SIMET) is hereby established. It is based in Rome at the Department of Infectious, Parasitic and Immunomediated Diseases (MIPI) of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299.Art. 2
SIMET aims to promote and implement studies, research, and various activities inherent to the populations of tropical and sub-tropical areas, the most socio-economically depressed areas, and in general those most exposed to the risk of disease related to precarious living and working conditions, and/or climatic and environmental determinants in the following areas:- prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases;
- promotion of human and animal health, including food safety;
- social, economic and environmental determinants of health;
- technical-scientific cooperation in the socio-health sector also with reference to the regulations governing Italy’s International Cooperation;
- educational organization in the socio-health sector and in other areas relevant to the areas mentioned in the previous points;
- health education and outreach in Italy and abroad to health workers, workers, tourists, and the general population;
- other areas, not included in this list relating directly or indirectly to the conditions, diseases, and health promotion of the populations mentioned above.
Art. 3
The activities referred to in Article 2 are carried out through the following means:- organization of congresses, conventions, symposia, seminars, conferences, refresher courses, monographic courses, lectures and other similar activities;
- preparation and distribution of publications and documentation;
- collaboration with Italian and foreign bodies and institutions with expertise in the fields referred to in Article 2;
- collaboration with the World Health Organization and other international bodies;
- collaboration with the media;
- SIMET may affiliate by resolution of the Board of Directors;
- SIMET may establish its own sections in other countries and appoint foreign correspondents;
- SIMET may establish its own regional sections upon the proposal of the Members registered in the Region. Upon approval by the Society’s Board of Directors, regional sections shall provide for the election of their own Board of Directors, which shall promote scientific and organizational activity in the field of tropical diseases at the regional level.
Art. 4
Official organ
The official organ of SIMET is the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (Italian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Global Health). The Editor-in-Chief and Members of the Editorial Board are appointed by the Executive Board and hold office for four years. They are to ensure the quality of scientific work through a highly qualified advisory board.Art. 5
Organs of the Society
The organs of the Society are:- General Assembly of Members;
- The Executive committee;
- The President;
- Two Vice-Presidents;
- Collaboration with the media;
- The Board of Auditors;
- The Board of Arbitrators;
- The Secretary-Treasurer.
Art. 6
Members are divided into the following categories:
- Ordinary Members: those, Italians or foreigners, who carry out their activities in the fields referred to in Article 2;
- Honorary Members: those chosen from among scholars, Italian or foreign, who have acquired special scientific merit in the field of activity referred to in Article 2, appointed by the General Assembly upon the proposal of the Board of Directors. Former Presidents of the Society are also appointed Honorary Members. Applications for Ordinary Membership must be submitted by two Members. The Board of Directors examines them and approves them by an absolute majority of votes, submitting them to the Assembly for ratification. Honorary Members are elected by secret vote by the Assembly upon unanimous proposal of the Board of Directors. They have the same rights as Ordinary Members and are not required to pay dues.
Membership is lost:
- by resignation;
- by non-payment of dues for three consecutive years;
- by expulsion proposed by the Board of Directors or the Board of Arbitrators for serious reasons.
Members subject to a proposed expulsion must receive written notice. They may present their justifications before the Board of Arbitrators either by letter or verbally. The Board of Arbitrators is competent to decide on the matter. If the Member who is the subject of a proposed disbarment appeals against the decision of the Board of Arbitrators, the Members’ Meeting shall decide by secret vote and simple majority.
Art. 7
Rights and Duties of Members
Members have the right to participate in the Assembly and its deliberations by voting and in all events called by the Society. Voting may be by written proxy given to another Member entitled to vote. Each Member present may not have more than one proxy. Members have a duty to pay annual dues in the amount and manner decided by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Board of Directors. Members are also required to respect and abide by these Bylaws and the decisions resolved by the competent bodies of the Society. Members not in good standing with the payment of dues lose their right to vote at the General Assembly and do not receive publications.Art. 8
General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of all Members in good standing who have paid their membership dues. Ordinarily, the Assembly meets once a year upon convocation by the President and at least 30 days’ notice containing the relevant agenda. Extraordinarily, the Assembly may be convened if the Board of Directors deems it appropriate or if at least one third of the Members make a reasoned request. The General Assembly is valid, in first call, when half of the Members plus one are present; in second call, which may be set for the same day at a distance of at least two hours, the Assembly is valid whatever the number of Members present entitled to vote. The General Assembly discusses and approves the report of the Board of Directors on the activities carried out and the initiatives planned for the following fiscal year. It examines and approves the final statement of accounts and the budget estimate referring to the annual management of the Society coinciding with the calendar year. Except in cases where a different, qualified majority is provided for, resolutions of the Assembly are passed by a majority vote of those voting (excluding abstentions). The General Assembly elects by secret vote, and by simple majority, the Board of Directors.Art. 9
Executive committee
The Board of Directors consists of: the President and 14 Counselors, two of whom serve as Vice-Presidents. The President serves a four-year term and cannot be immediately re-elected to that office. The two Vice-Presidents serve four-year terms and may be elected to their respective offices no more than two consecutive times. Counselors are elected every four years and may not be elected to the same position more than two consecutive times. Professional figures with experience in tropical medicine and surgery, public health, microbiology, parasitology, veterinary medicine, global health, and development cooperation will hopefully be represented among them. The Board of Directors sees to the execution of the resolutions of the Assembly, examines applications for the admission of Members in accordance with the provisions of Article 6, and takes care, together with the President, of every other aspect of the life and activities of the Society. Its resolutions, valid only if at least 8 members are present (personally or by proxy), will be taken by absolute majority. The Board of Directors consists of: the President and 14 Counselors, two of whom serve as Vice-Presidents. The President serves a four-year term and cannot be immediately re-elected to that office. The two Vice-Presidents serve four-year terms and may be elected to their respective offices no more than two consecutive times. Counselors are elected every four years and may not be elected to the same position more than two consecutive times. Professional figures with experience in tropical medicine and surgery, public health, microbiology, parasitology, veterinary medicine, global health, and development cooperation will hopefully be represented among them. The Board of Directors sees to the execution of the resolutions of the Assembly, examines applications for the admission of Members in accordance with the provisions of Article 6, and takes care, together with the President, of every other aspect of the life and activities of the Society. Its resolutions, valid only if at least 8 members are present (personally or by proxy), will be taken by absolute majority.Art. 10
The President elected by the Board of Directors from among its members, represents the Society, supervises compliance with the Statutes and Bylaws, convenes the Ordinary Meeting of Board of Directors at least twice a year or at the request of at least four of its members. He/she shall preside over the Ordinary Meeting and any extraordinary meetings. The President shall ordinarily call at least one convention per year, the program of which shall be approved by the Board of Directors. At such a convention the Ordinary Meeting of Members will take place. The President on the recommendation of the Board of Directors may call an Extraordinary Meeting, specifying the agenda. He shall also convene an Extraordinary Meeting if he receives a reasoned request signed by at least one third of the Members: the convocation itself must be sent within 10 days.Art. 11
The Board of Directors chooses from among the Counselors two Vice-Presidents who serve as long as the Board. The Vice-Presidents may, in the absence or disability of the President, convene and preside over the Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of Board of Directors and the General Assembly.Art. 12
The Secretary-Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors from among its members or other members and serves a four-year term, renewable for one term only. He prepares the annual budget and final accounts, which he presents to the Board of Directors accompanied by his own report. He is responsible for the management of the Society’s funds, the proper keeping of accounts, books of account, and documentation relating to the activities and operation of the Society. He is assisted by a “part-time” staff member appointed by the President to whom he will entrust secretarial, accounting, copying and anything else related to the normal operation of the Society.Art. 13
Board of Auditors
The Auditors are elected in the number of 2 by the General Assembly, hold office for four years and may be re-elected. They supervise the economic and financial performance by reviewing and controlling the administrative and accounting management of the Society. They prepare appropriate documented reports on the annual financial statements, final and forecast. Auditors are invited to attend meetings of the Board of Directors when financial matters are on the agenda.Art. 14
Board of Arbitrators
The Arbitrators elected in the number of three at the General Assembly hold office for four years and are eligible for re-election. To the Board of Arbitrators are referred disputes concerning the interpretation and application of this Statute, as well as the investigation and decision on social defaults referred to in Article 6. The Arbitrators also oversee matters of ethical importance, including relations with sponsors for the organization of congresses and other activities, referring to the codes of ethics identified by the corporate bodies.Art. 15
Common Fund
The common fund of the Society consists of membership dues to the extent decided by the General Assembly, contributions from public and private bodies, and any income from publications and other activities of the Society. With the common fund, the Society provides for its establishment and operating expenses as deliberated by the competent bodies.Art. 16
Amendments to the Statute
Amendments to the Statute must be unanimously formulated by the Board of Directors or proposed in writing by at least one-third of the Members who must be notified at least 2 months in advance. Only changes approved by at least two thirds of those present voting at the General Assembly will be accepted.Art. 17
The dissolution of the Society can be decided by the General Assembly only if three quarters of the Members are present and if the proposal obtains a majority of at least two thirds of the Members present and voting. In the event of the dissolution of the Society, the General Assembly shall decide on the destination of the movable and immovable assets, having paid the expenses. Such destination may be arranged only in favor of Moral Bodies and Scientific Associations.Art. 18
Rules of Law
For matters not provided for in these Bylaws, the relevant legal regulations apply.Contacts
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Roma
Tel. +390649906102
Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale e Salute Globale
Copyright © 2023 - SIMET p.i./c.f. 80457790584